2015-11-13 11:48:34 UTC
Everybody knows a place where the wicked go to burn for infinity was concocted by the ancient philosophers with Plato getting the lion's
share of the credit for it. Well, that's just fine for the ancient philosopher's but how did such a thing as his hell, where the wicked
burn immortally for infinity, ever creep into Christianity ? One would think that the Bible being the only rule of faith and practice for
people calling themselves Christians it should have never crept into Christendom... it should have been dispelled as a concoction coming
from the world whose only rule of faith and practice is just that... the world. But it didn't.
It's a lie to preach a burning hell for the wicked. Co-Redemption gospels need a tormenting hell to scare people into the assumption that
since Christ died for every one it's now up to man to " invite Jesus into his heart " so as to avoid Plato's burning hell. The scare tactic
is usually the last resort the Co-Redeemer's have when all else fails to convince. It's the same as threatening a condemned person with the
electric chair which he can avoid if he would only agree to the speaker's philosophy.
In the scheme of a burning hell where the wicked go on to a number of lies against God come to bear. The Co-Redemption gospels claim Christ
already died for every one but now some good must come from you to seal the deal so to speak, and get yourself saved. Giving your heart to
Jesus is the usual banter. The smart thinker would ask " How come Christ already paid for my sins and yet I go on to burn in hell if I
don't give my heart to Jesus ? Don't I go on to hell for sins ? " An appropriate question but one that is never asked. The appropriate
answer coming from a Co-Redeemer would be " because you do not believe."
With this quip enter's another lie of Co-Redemption. In Jn.16:9 Christ tells us that unbelief is sin. Well, if unbelief is sin and Christ
died for sin how do Co-Redemption gospels answer this ? Why must I fill their condition of believing by " inviting Jesus into my heart to
become saved ? " The Co-Redeemer, at this point, is dumbfounded and must slink away from the conversation. He proves the Bible is not his
only rule of faith and practice... denominational traditions are and denominational traditions have no answer for this. They expose
themselves as preaching Jesus Christ as the failed Savior of the whole world who died for all sins of every one but failed to die for the
sin of unbelief... I cure that evil myself by " inviting Jesus into my heart."
If I reject the Co-Redeemer's offer to invite Jesus into my heart I'm threaten by him with Plato's hell. So, my question to the Co-Redeemer
would be... " I'm sent to burn in some philosopher's burning hell for Christ having paid for all of my sins including my sin of unbelief ?"
Again, the Co-Redeemer paints himself into the corner of the Bible being his only rule of faith and practice which he himself evidences is
There's more yet to come. If I'm sent to Plato's hell to burn for ever and ever for the sins Christs paid for on my behalf how come Christ
is risen ? " Since burning in hell for sins is for ever and ever then Christ is still there paying for the sins of the whole world... He is
not risen. And, if the wages of sin is death, Ro.6:23, how come I have eternal life so I can burn for ever and ever ? I thought only
God's elect are given eternal life. Do you mean to tell me I'm immortal just so I can burn in Plato's hell for rejecting Christ ? Do you
mean to tell me Christ died for me and gave back my sins so I could reject Him since unbelief is sin ? What kind of Bible do you trust in
which you claim is your only rule of faith and practice ?
Those not intelligent enough to know what a Co-Redeemer is offering... they steer away from those of brain damage, brain disease and
insanity since these folks don't have the smarts to make rational decisions let alone decisions to invite Jesus into their hearts, which
once again evidences Co-Redemption and those who preach it as ambassador's of different gospels... they preach God is biased in favor of
smart people.
Furthermore, if Christ died for sins and I reject Him and I'm condemned to Plato's hell for ever and ever of what value to the world is
Christ's dying in every ones place ? ... God is punishing twice for the same sins... once on Christ and once again on me. Sounds like a
completely failed Savior and this is exactly what Co-Redeemer's preach.
Christendom is decreed by God to cease to exist, 2 Thes 2. Co-Redemption is one of the means so decreed.
share of the credit for it. Well, that's just fine for the ancient philosopher's but how did such a thing as his hell, where the wicked
burn immortally for infinity, ever creep into Christianity ? One would think that the Bible being the only rule of faith and practice for
people calling themselves Christians it should have never crept into Christendom... it should have been dispelled as a concoction coming
from the world whose only rule of faith and practice is just that... the world. But it didn't.
It's a lie to preach a burning hell for the wicked. Co-Redemption gospels need a tormenting hell to scare people into the assumption that
since Christ died for every one it's now up to man to " invite Jesus into his heart " so as to avoid Plato's burning hell. The scare tactic
is usually the last resort the Co-Redeemer's have when all else fails to convince. It's the same as threatening a condemned person with the
electric chair which he can avoid if he would only agree to the speaker's philosophy.
In the scheme of a burning hell where the wicked go on to a number of lies against God come to bear. The Co-Redemption gospels claim Christ
already died for every one but now some good must come from you to seal the deal so to speak, and get yourself saved. Giving your heart to
Jesus is the usual banter. The smart thinker would ask " How come Christ already paid for my sins and yet I go on to burn in hell if I
don't give my heart to Jesus ? Don't I go on to hell for sins ? " An appropriate question but one that is never asked. The appropriate
answer coming from a Co-Redeemer would be " because you do not believe."
With this quip enter's another lie of Co-Redemption. In Jn.16:9 Christ tells us that unbelief is sin. Well, if unbelief is sin and Christ
died for sin how do Co-Redemption gospels answer this ? Why must I fill their condition of believing by " inviting Jesus into my heart to
become saved ? " The Co-Redeemer, at this point, is dumbfounded and must slink away from the conversation. He proves the Bible is not his
only rule of faith and practice... denominational traditions are and denominational traditions have no answer for this. They expose
themselves as preaching Jesus Christ as the failed Savior of the whole world who died for all sins of every one but failed to die for the
sin of unbelief... I cure that evil myself by " inviting Jesus into my heart."
If I reject the Co-Redeemer's offer to invite Jesus into my heart I'm threaten by him with Plato's hell. So, my question to the Co-Redeemer
would be... " I'm sent to burn in some philosopher's burning hell for Christ having paid for all of my sins including my sin of unbelief ?"
Again, the Co-Redeemer paints himself into the corner of the Bible being his only rule of faith and practice which he himself evidences is
There's more yet to come. If I'm sent to Plato's hell to burn for ever and ever for the sins Christs paid for on my behalf how come Christ
is risen ? " Since burning in hell for sins is for ever and ever then Christ is still there paying for the sins of the whole world... He is
not risen. And, if the wages of sin is death, Ro.6:23, how come I have eternal life so I can burn for ever and ever ? I thought only
God's elect are given eternal life. Do you mean to tell me I'm immortal just so I can burn in Plato's hell for rejecting Christ ? Do you
mean to tell me Christ died for me and gave back my sins so I could reject Him since unbelief is sin ? What kind of Bible do you trust in
which you claim is your only rule of faith and practice ?
Those not intelligent enough to know what a Co-Redeemer is offering... they steer away from those of brain damage, brain disease and
insanity since these folks don't have the smarts to make rational decisions let alone decisions to invite Jesus into their hearts, which
once again evidences Co-Redemption and those who preach it as ambassador's of different gospels... they preach God is biased in favor of
smart people.
Furthermore, if Christ died for sins and I reject Him and I'm condemned to Plato's hell for ever and ever of what value to the world is
Christ's dying in every ones place ? ... God is punishing twice for the same sins... once on Christ and once again on me. Sounds like a
completely failed Savior and this is exactly what Co-Redeemer's preach.
Christendom is decreed by God to cease to exist, 2 Thes 2. Co-Redemption is one of the means so decreed.