Christendom teaches against God's Word saying " all men are immortal so the sinner *can* burn forever in hell...
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2017-07-27 10:45:20 UTC
" The wages of sin death," Ro.6:23a. But Christendom counter's God who teaches us precisely that He did not make man
immortal from passages such as this one as well as Gen.2:7; Ecc.12:6,7; Ps.115:17,18; 146:3,4, et al.

In a recent conversation with a fellow claiming he has been a Christian for decades... becoming one by " accepting Jesus
as his Savior," which reveals salvation by his initiating of it and while in a fallen state of being at that, thus
avoiding the condemning passages against himself of Ro.3:10 and following... this fellow evidences himself as ignorant
of the workings of his own alleged commitment to Christ.

It is contrary to sound doctrine, just as God tells us it would be in these end times, 2 Tim.4:3,4, to preach salvation
through Jesus Christ, God Everlasting, and offer salvation by some means which fallen man can and must initiate for
himself to become redeemed... or else he can not and will not become saved. Preaching all men are immortal so they can
burn in hell for dying in their sins is but one segment of the bogus preaching the overwhelming majority of Christendom
adheres to these days. And, so too, this young fellow is one such person preaching Gnostic non-sense... worldly wisdom
defining the Word of God, while fallen with Adam.

The everyday, common Christian hear's from the pulpit and that's where his ability in the Holy Scripture ends. The
everyday, common Christian is incapable of discerning that Ro.6:23a teaches that death is final for fallen man... that
he does not live past the grave only to live for ever and for ever burning in a tormenting hell where you never really
die. Today's Bible ignorant Christian's fall headlong into the exact same predicament as did Adam believing the devil's
lie that... " you will surely not die..." which subtly teaches " you are immortal."

Not only do you have to be immortal to burn in torment's for infinity in a hell after physical death but you *must*
Re-incarnate out of the dead body into some never explained form so as to actually feel the torment's of hell for ever.
This is what the everyday Christian believes and preaches though he evidences himself as Bible ignorant and incapable of
understanding such a passage as Ro.6:23a. He is beyond discerning the passage which state's..." In Adam all die..."
because he simply calls God a liar believing and preaching all men are immortal so the fallen can indeed burn in hell
for ever.

This whole scheme of the immortality of man was made popular by Plato who taught also that man Re-incarnates upon
physical death and is banished to burning hell in some Re-incarnated form or other where he never really dies... just as
Christendom also preaches. This scheme, of course, and just as Christendom preaches, perfectly matches Satan's
discourses to Adam and Eve that man does not die permanently... " You will not surely die... The wages of sin is not
death... the wages of sin is eternal life but in burning hell. Christendom preaches both the person dying in his sins as
well as the true believer both have eternal life... one to live on for ever in glory with Christ and the other to live
for ever in shame and contempt in a burning hell.

So be it, today's Christian can not discern the most basic tenants of his own religion. He is his own victim deserving
of his own ignorance since he will not... not " can not " endure sound doctrine just as 2 Tim.4:3,4 so says.

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2017-08-04 14:38:57 UTC
Post by OMJ
" The wages of sin death," Ro.6:23a. But Christendom counter's God who teaches us precisely that He did not make man
immortal from passages such as this one as well as Gen.2:7; Ecc.12:6,7; Ps.115:17,18; 146:3,4, et al.
True. Adam's life depended upon God, by obeying him. Thus immortal
life was conditional.
Post by OMJ
In a recent conversation with a fellow claiming he has been a Christian for decades... becoming one by " accepting Jesus
as his Savior," which reveals salvation by his initiating of it and while in a fallen state of being at that, thus
avoiding the condemning passages against himself of Ro.3:10 and following... this fellow evidences himself as ignorant
of the workings of his own alleged commitment to Christ.
It is contrary to sound doctrine, just as God tells us it would be in these end times, 2 Tim.4:3,4, to preach salvation
through Jesus Christ, God Everlasting, and offer salvation by some means which fallen man can and must initiate for
himself to become redeemed... or else he can not and will not become saved. Preaching all men are immortal so they can
burn in hell for dying in their sins is but one segment of the bogus preaching the overwhelming majority of Christendom
adheres to these days. And, so too, this young fellow is one such person preaching Gnostic non-sense... worldly wisdom
defining the Word of God, while fallen with Adam.
Yes, hellfire is bogus. But it does help to fatten the contribution

Yes the Bible talks about a fire in places. One is in Revelation. But
that one, like most of the whole book, is symbolic. Read Rev 20:14,15
and notice what it tossed into an allegedly literal fire. Can those
things be burned by a literal fire? Of course not. Thus the fire there
is not literal.
Post by OMJ
The everyday, common Christian hear's from the pulpit and that's where his ability in the Holy Scripture ends. The
everyday, common Christian is incapable of discerning that Ro.6:23a teaches that death is final for fallen man... that
he does not live past the grave only to live for ever and for ever burning in a tormenting hell where you never really
die. Today's Bible ignorant Christian's fall headlong into the exact same predicament as did Adam believing the devil's
lie that... " you will surely not die..." which subtly teaches " you are immortal."
Not only do you have to be immortal to burn in torment's for infinity in a hell after physical death but you *must*
Re-incarnate out of the dead body into some never explained form so as to actually feel the torment's of hell for ever.
This is what the everyday Christian believes and preaches though he evidences himself as Bible ignorant and incapable of
understanding such a passage as Ro.6:23a. He is beyond discerning the passage which state's..." In Adam all die..."
because he simply calls God a liar believing and preaching all men are immortal so the fallen can indeed burn in hell
for ever.
Yes, and think how God feels when people accuse Him of torture by
literal fire. Even the many prisoners throughout the world, are not
punished that way. If it is good enough for God, why not humans?

The Bible says God is love. Are “love” and “torture” twins? The Bible
even says to “love” and pray for your enemies. (Mt 5:44) Burning them
alive is a crazy way to show them “love”.

So, let the preachers continue to preach hellfire. It only shows their
ignorance of the Bible, and that they are in a false religion.

James, John 4:23,24, www.jw.org
Post by OMJ
This whole scheme of the immortality of man was made popular by Plato who taught also that man Re-incarnates upon
physical death and is banished to burning hell in some Re-incarnated form or other where he never really dies... just as
Christendom also preaches. This scheme, of course, and just as Christendom preaches, perfectly matches Satan's
discourses to Adam and Eve that man does not die permanently... " You will not surely die... The wages of sin is not
death... the wages of sin is eternal life but in burning hell. Christendom preaches both the person dying in his sins as
well as the true believer both have eternal life... one to live on for ever in glory with Christ and the other to live
for ever in shame and contempt in a burning hell.
So be it, today's Christian can not discern the most basic tenants of his own religion. He is his own victim deserving
of his own ignorance since he will not... not " can not " endure sound doctrine just as 2 Tim.4:3,4 so says.
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