Jesus Christ is * Not * risen... those who preach a burning hell do in fact subtly preach Christ is not risen...
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2015-11-29 12:17:00 UTC
As 2 Thes.2:1-12 tells us, Christendom must fall. It must fall into the power, the control and the worship of Satan. To accomplish this the
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ must first be cast off His seat of authority in the churches of Christendom.

How Satan accomplishes this is to preach Christ as the failure of Christendom to the attendants of churches. These go on as his ambassador's
spreading the word of Jesus Christ, but only as the failed Savior of Christendom as they were taught..

One such way these preach Christ as the failure of Christendom is to preach Plato's burning hell. Anyone can look up the life and times of
the ancient philosophers and find that Plato gets the credit for concocting a burning hell where the wicked endure punishment for their sins
unto infinity. You first have to be immortal to live past the grave. The wages of sin is not death as we read in Ro.6:23a but eternal
life. The ancient philosophers concluded man is immortal otherwise man could not go to burn in hell if he wasn't immortal... their whole
house of cards comes tumbling down without man being immortal in his natural state of being.

So preaches Satan's shepherds and ambassador's... just do a Google search on " hell " and you'll find Plato on many a site which claims
" the Bible is our only rule of faith and practice."

That Jesus Christ is a failure is subtly preached when hell is preached. That Jesus Christ is * Not * risen is preached along with Plato's
hell being preached. The immortality of men in Adam... the unredeemed... is also preached subtly when Plato's hell is preached as the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the very people in your own church preaching Satan's gospels so as to express the " strong delusion " God is
sending on the churches these days as 2 Thes.2 tells us. His ambassador's preach Christ died for everyone but saves only those who
successfully fill all of the conditions the various denominations of Christendom have placed on salvation. The rest go on to Plato's
burning hell having all of their sins paid for since Christ purchased eternal life for both the elect and non-elect as well. With Universal
Atonement taught boldly and blindly by the Co-Redeemer's Christ died for all but so ineffectual was His dying in their place many more go on
to Plato's hell then on to glory.

Nonetheless, Christs failure doesn't stop there... He is preached as punishing twice for the same sins... once on Himself and then again on
all those banished to Plato's hell to die for the same sins Christ died for... with one exception... they never really die for their sins
but endure torments for them unto infinity since the churches made all persons immortal.

Since the churches of today preach Universal Atonement but without Universal Salvation included in this scheme it is that no one is indwelt
by the Holy Spirit who is the evidence of genuine salvation, Ro.8:16; Eph.1:13,14. That being the case, the Holy Spirit not indwelling all
for whom we are told Christ died, namely, the " whole world," results in no one turning away from sin because the work of the Holy Spirit is
to convict the world of sin, Jn.16:8-11. Now we have a " whole world " where nothing is changed by the Atonement of Christ... the masses
show no sign of ever having been redeemed... the Holy Spirit, too, is preached as the failure of Christendom though there is but One
Almighty God. The " whole world," except for God's elect, is still indulging themselves in every sin without exception from cradle to

Christ can not possibly be risen since hell, being the satisfaction for sin and not death as Ro.6:23a decrees, is preached as not only a
place of torment but also that it's for the duration of for ever because this is the satisfaction sin requires... torments unto infinity for
the sin bearer. Since Christ took it upon Himself to pay the wages of sin... which is not death as Ro.6:23a insists but immortality...
Christ is still in hell paying the wages of sin for sinner's.

In Christendom today, burning in torments in hell for the wicked satisfy's God's wrath against sinner's. If that be the doctrine of the
Bible then God has made every last man who ever lived immortal... just as Plato did. Furthermore, since God Himself took it upon Himself to
satisfy His wrath against sinner's by paying their wages of sin for them in the scheme of Universal Atonement and since hell is for ever,
Christ is still there paying the wages of sin which is eternal life in hell where you are a resident for infinity but you never really die.

You can not die ! You must burn in torments for ever. * That * is the wages of sin the churches preach while they are telling you " the
Bible and it alone is the Word of God... our only rule of faith and practice." Really ? Where then in Holy Scripture does God endorse
Plato as one of His Apostles bearing the truth about Jesus Christ ? Where does the Bible say all men are immortal ? Certainly not in 1
Cor.15:53,54. Where does the Bible say Christ is not risen ?

To preach Christ is not risen by subtly preaching Plato's burning hell is high blasphemy. It is also high blasphemy to preach there is a
hell for sinner's to endure for ever since in the same breath the Co-Redeemer's preach Christ paid for the sins of every one buying every
one eternal life but saving only His elect and filling only His elect with His Holy Spirit. God punishes twice for the same sins Christ
paid for with the scheme of a Universal Atonement but without Universal Salvation and Universal indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

Go then into all the world preaching Co-Redemption and Plato's burning hell so as to hasten the return of Jesus Christ.
2015-12-02 19:24:40 UTC
Post by unknown
As 2 Thes.2:1-12 tells us, Christendom must fall. It must fall into the power, the control and the worship of Satan. To accomplish this the
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ must first be cast off His seat of authority in the churches of Christendom.
How Satan accomplishes this is to preach Christ as the failure of Christendom to the attendants of churches. These go on as his ambassador's
spreading the word of Jesus Christ, but only as the failed Savior of Christendom as they were taught..
One such way these preach Christ as the failure of Christendom is to preach Plato's burning hell. Anyone can look up the life and times of
the ancient philosophers and find that Plato gets the credit for concocting a burning hell where the wicked endure punishment for their sins
unto infinity. You first have to be immortal to live past the grave. The wages of sin is not death as we read in Ro.6:23a but eternal
life. The ancient philosophers concluded man is immortal otherwise man could not go to burn in hell if he wasn't immortal... their whole
house of cards comes tumbling down without man being immortal in his natural state of being.
So preaches Satan's shepherds and ambassador's... just do a Google search on " hell " and you'll find Plato on many a site which claims
" the Bible is our only rule of faith and practice."
That Jesus Christ is a failure is subtly preached when hell is preached. That Jesus Christ is * Not * risen is preached along with Plato's
hell being preached. The immortality of men in Adam... the unredeemed... is also preached subtly when Plato's hell is preached as the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the very people in your own church preaching Satan's gospels so as to express the " strong delusion " God is
sending on the churches these days as 2 Thes.2 tells us. His ambassador's preach Christ died for everyone but saves only those who
successfully fill all of the conditions the various denominations of Christendom have placed on salvation. The rest go on to Plato's
burning hell having all of their sins paid for since Christ purchased eternal life for both the elect and non-elect as well. With Universal
Atonement taught boldly and blindly by the Co-Redeemer's Christ died for all but so ineffectual was His dying in their place many more go on
to Plato's hell then on to glory.
Nonetheless, Christs failure doesn't stop there... He is preached as punishing twice for the same sins... once on Himself and then again on
all those banished to Plato's hell to die for the same sins Christ died for... with one exception... they never really die for their sins
but endure torments for them unto infinity since the churches made all persons immortal.
Since the churches of today preach Universal Atonement but without Universal Salvation included in this scheme it is that no one is indwelt
by the Holy Spirit who is the evidence of genuine salvation, Ro.8:16; Eph.1:13,14. That being the case, the Holy Spirit not indwelling all
for whom we are told Christ died, namely, the " whole world," results in no one turning away from sin because the work of the Holy Spirit is
to convict the world of sin, Jn.16:8-11. Now we have a " whole world " where nothing is changed by the Atonement of Christ... the masses
show no sign of ever having been redeemed... the Holy Spirit, too, is preached as the failure of Christendom though there is but One
Almighty God. The " whole world," except for God's elect, is still indulging themselves in every sin without exception from cradle to
Christ can not possibly be risen since hell, being the satisfaction for sin and not death as Ro.6:23a decrees, is preached as not only a
place of torment but also that it's for the duration of for ever because this is the satisfaction sin requires... torments unto infinity for
the sin bearer. Since Christ took it upon Himself to pay the wages of sin... which is not death as Ro.6:23a insists but immortality...
Christ is still in hell paying the wages of sin for sinner's.
In Christendom today, burning in torments in hell for the wicked satisfy's God's wrath against sinner's. If that be the doctrine of the
Bible then God has made every last man who ever lived immortal... just as Plato did. Furthermore, since God Himself took it upon Himself to
satisfy His wrath against sinner's by paying their wages of sin for them in the scheme of Universal Atonement and since hell is for ever,
Christ is still there paying the wages of sin which is eternal life in hell where you are a resident for infinity but you never really die.
You can not die ! You must burn in torments for ever. * That * is the wages of sin the churches preach while they are telling you " the
Bible and it alone is the Word of God... our only rule of faith and practice." Really ? Where then in Holy Scripture does God endorse
Plato as one of His Apostles bearing the truth about Jesus Christ ? Where does the Bible say all men are immortal ? Certainly not in 1
Cor.15:53,54. Where does the Bible say Christ is not risen ?
To preach Christ is not risen by subtly preaching Plato's burning hell is high blasphemy. It is also high blasphemy to preach there is a
hell for sinner's to endure for ever since in the same breath the Co-Redeemer's preach Christ paid for the sins of every one buying every
one eternal life but saving only His elect and filling only His elect with His Holy Spirit. God punishes twice for the same sins Christ
paid for with the scheme of a Universal Atonement but without Universal Salvation and Universal indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Go then into all the world preaching Co-Redemption and Plato's burning hell so as to hasten the return of Jesus Christ.
I don't necessarily agree with everything you wrote, but unless I am
mistaken, I did find one of your comments interesting.

For those who preach of hellfire, they must also teach that humans are
immortal. And that they were created immortal. That is because those
allegedly tossed into that fire do not die, just suffer a #10 on a
1-10 scale. Thus they are immortal.

BUT WAIT. Is that what the Scriptures say? No, they say that mankind
IS mortal:

Chron 14:11c, “Do not let mortal man retain strength against you.”

Job 4:1a, “Mortal man—can he be more just than God himself?”

Ps 8:4, “What is mortal man that you keep him in mind,
And the son of earthling man that you take care of him?“

Isa 38:8d, “he has contemned the cities; he has taken no account of
MORTAL man.“

Rom 6:12, “Therefore do not let sin continue to rule as king in YOUR
MORTAL bodies that YOU should obey their desires. “

1 Cor 15:53, “For this which is corruptible must put on incorruption,
and this which is MORTAL must put on immortality. “

2 Cor 4:11, For we who live are ever being brought face to face with
death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus may also be made
manifest in our MORTAL flesh.

2 Cor 5:4, that what is MORTAL may be swallowed up by life.

I think you get the point. Humans were made MORTAL. It is only by
Christ's bodily sacrifice that humans can BECOME immortal.

Thus 'hellfire' is not a real place where wicked humans live forever.
That contradicts Scripture and insults a loving God. To me there is
nothing worse than a painful death by fire. Esp one where you can't
die and get relief that way.

No, our God is a God of love (1 Joh 4:8), but also JUSTICE. He
certainly will punish the wicked, but in a more humane way. Deut 32:4,

"The Rock, his work is perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful
God, without deceit, just and upright is he;" (NRSV)

James, John 17:17, www.jw.org

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