2016-03-13 13:15:09 UTC
" For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee."
While a different Jesus is the foundation of Christendom at this time in history we stand confident that the Holy Scripture
and the true nature of Almighty God remains ever constant. Mal.3:6.
This different Jesus, who died in the place of every one, failed to save any one... so say the Co-Redeemer's. Attendant to
this lie the Co-Redeemer's believe and preach the door to the sheep fold is available at all times to anyone who will fill
the conditions necessary himself to " get saved," This scheme was already addressed two thousand years ago in unmistakable
terms, Jn.10:1.
We would not find in Holy Scripture such a passage as Ps.73:27 spoken by the Holy Spirit of God to Asaph to pass on to us if
Christ had paid the wages of sin for every last man who will ever be born of Adam if it were not so. Simply put, Christ did
not die in the stead of every one as the Co-Redeemer's like to preach. This passage, and scores like it, declare redemption
not to be a haphazard event left up to man to take hold of by filling conditions... because that would mean salvation is by
any one of man's many concocted schemes preaching various ways a person could be redeemed. Those in Adam have no interest in
seeking God... Co-Redemption gospels steer clear of Ro.3:10 and following, as it does with Jn.1:13... so its deleted from
verse 12... unredeemed man * Loves * sin, Jn.3:19,20 and * Hates * the Lord Jesus Christ, Jn.15:18.
In the preaching of Universal Atonement comes the preaching of Jesus Christ as the failed Savior of the whole world. In and
of Himself He could not obtain full redemption for the whole world the Co-Redeemer's say He died for... something is yet
lacking since His dying in every ones place does not save any one. The thing lacking is the filling of conditions on the
part of man who again, does not seek for God... does not understand God nor the Gospel of Jesus Christ He came to preach,
Ro.3:10. The various denominations require their proselytes to perform in obedience to the sure fired formulas they've
concocted over the millennium and centuries to get them around this blockade so that they " get men saved."
Filling conditions is an intellectual skill available to the smart, only... the insane, the brain damaged or diseased simply
do not have what it takes to fill conditions and thereby save themselves. In fact, the preaching of salvation begins with
free grace as it did in Lk.4. Christ's hearer's, fellow Co-Redeemer's indeed, became enraged and set out to kill Jesus.
Why is free grace so violently met by the Co-Redeemer's no matter where or at what time in history ( notice that Martin
Luther was sought to be murdered by the Catholic Church for preaching free grace... for the record, we do not condone
Lutheranism ) Un-Conditional Election unto to life is preached ?
Such is the outpouring of the hatred those in Adam have abiding lively in them for Jesus Christ and His elect, Jn.15:18-25.
But, when, as the Bible clearly teaches, Christ redeems only those who He came to save He is one hundred percent the Savior
of the whole world saving only those who the Father has given Him, Lk.19:10 compare Jn.6:37-40. The " whole world " whose
sins are propitiated are the elect or else Ps.73:27 is untenable and the Holy Scripture dictated by God Himself to His chosen
prophet is wrong.
If Christ died in place of every one, every one is saved and in the here and now at that, Ro.8:16, indwelling every one with
His Holy Spirit, Eph.1:13,14... giving every last person on earth the hope of eternal life. We find that in Jn.16:8 context
unbelief is a sin, and since unbelief is sin then Christ paid the wages of this sin by His death as well. The Co-Redeemer's
insist that since Christ paid the wages of sin for the " whole world " the people on their knees praying to Buddha and Mary
are just as righteous before God as Peter, James and John.
Christianity as we find it preached today is dead, 2 Thes.2:1-12; Rev.18. Now, exactly who do you think the Co-Redeemer's
attend churches to worship in light of these passages delivered from God ? Do you really think God is speaking of some other
religious entity or is He speaking of the churches of Christendom as these passages clearly teach ? Do you really think you
are the exception ? ... your denomination is above all that ?
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While a different Jesus is the foundation of Christendom at this time in history we stand confident that the Holy Scripture
and the true nature of Almighty God remains ever constant. Mal.3:6.
This different Jesus, who died in the place of every one, failed to save any one... so say the Co-Redeemer's. Attendant to
this lie the Co-Redeemer's believe and preach the door to the sheep fold is available at all times to anyone who will fill
the conditions necessary himself to " get saved," This scheme was already addressed two thousand years ago in unmistakable
terms, Jn.10:1.
We would not find in Holy Scripture such a passage as Ps.73:27 spoken by the Holy Spirit of God to Asaph to pass on to us if
Christ had paid the wages of sin for every last man who will ever be born of Adam if it were not so. Simply put, Christ did
not die in the stead of every one as the Co-Redeemer's like to preach. This passage, and scores like it, declare redemption
not to be a haphazard event left up to man to take hold of by filling conditions... because that would mean salvation is by
any one of man's many concocted schemes preaching various ways a person could be redeemed. Those in Adam have no interest in
seeking God... Co-Redemption gospels steer clear of Ro.3:10 and following, as it does with Jn.1:13... so its deleted from
verse 12... unredeemed man * Loves * sin, Jn.3:19,20 and * Hates * the Lord Jesus Christ, Jn.15:18.
In the preaching of Universal Atonement comes the preaching of Jesus Christ as the failed Savior of the whole world. In and
of Himself He could not obtain full redemption for the whole world the Co-Redeemer's say He died for... something is yet
lacking since His dying in every ones place does not save any one. The thing lacking is the filling of conditions on the
part of man who again, does not seek for God... does not understand God nor the Gospel of Jesus Christ He came to preach,
Ro.3:10. The various denominations require their proselytes to perform in obedience to the sure fired formulas they've
concocted over the millennium and centuries to get them around this blockade so that they " get men saved."
Filling conditions is an intellectual skill available to the smart, only... the insane, the brain damaged or diseased simply
do not have what it takes to fill conditions and thereby save themselves. In fact, the preaching of salvation begins with
free grace as it did in Lk.4. Christ's hearer's, fellow Co-Redeemer's indeed, became enraged and set out to kill Jesus.
Why is free grace so violently met by the Co-Redeemer's no matter where or at what time in history ( notice that Martin
Luther was sought to be murdered by the Catholic Church for preaching free grace... for the record, we do not condone
Lutheranism ) Un-Conditional Election unto to life is preached ?
Such is the outpouring of the hatred those in Adam have abiding lively in them for Jesus Christ and His elect, Jn.15:18-25.
But, when, as the Bible clearly teaches, Christ redeems only those who He came to save He is one hundred percent the Savior
of the whole world saving only those who the Father has given Him, Lk.19:10 compare Jn.6:37-40. The " whole world " whose
sins are propitiated are the elect or else Ps.73:27 is untenable and the Holy Scripture dictated by God Himself to His chosen
prophet is wrong.
If Christ died in place of every one, every one is saved and in the here and now at that, Ro.8:16, indwelling every one with
His Holy Spirit, Eph.1:13,14... giving every last person on earth the hope of eternal life. We find that in Jn.16:8 context
unbelief is a sin, and since unbelief is sin then Christ paid the wages of this sin by His death as well. The Co-Redeemer's
insist that since Christ paid the wages of sin for the " whole world " the people on their knees praying to Buddha and Mary
are just as righteous before God as Peter, James and John.
Christianity as we find it preached today is dead, 2 Thes.2:1-12; Rev.18. Now, exactly who do you think the Co-Redeemer's
attend churches to worship in light of these passages delivered from God ? Do you really think God is speaking of some other
religious entity or is He speaking of the churches of Christendom as these passages clearly teach ? Do you really think you
are the exception ? ... your denomination is above all that ?
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