2018-07-15 09:49:37 UTC
When using the immediate context and the Bible as a whole we discover precisely what it was that Jesus was writing on the ground
as found in John 8.
Here we have the scribes and Pharisees bringing to Christ a woman they claim they've caught in an act of adultery. Where is the
other party... the man ? Was this incident a set up from the start ? Was the missing man one of their own ? And how is it that
since the penalty for adultery was death two people would be so careless as to get caught in such an act ? Lev.20:10... if this
incident happened at all ?
Being caught in an act of adultery is not something easily discovered... this is something done with prudent care so as not to be
caught... the whole incident was created by the scribes and Pharisees to catch Jesus in an act of deceit against God as Christ's
writing on the ground indicates.
Christ Jesus was not of the tribe of Levi but of Judah, Rev.5:5, and was not qualified by the Law given through Moses to have
authority to pass judgment, De.17:9; Jn.12:47; Lk.19:10 at this time. Obviously, the scribes and Pharisees sought an easy way to
convict Jesus so to have righteous cause to put Him to death, De.17:9-12, and to disprove that Jesus is indeed the Promised
Messiah when proved He wasn't by this trap they set... if the trap worked, the religious leaders could go merrily on their way
continuing their high lifestyles as in Mt.15 of which Christ publicly condemned shaming them. We see also that the Lord Jesus
would be required to be among those stoning this woman to death, De.17:7 context.
So then, what did Jesus write on the ground during this incident ? According to the immediate context and the context of the Bible
as a whole, He was writing the whole passage of Holy Scripture these scribes and Pharisees conveniently left out by their bringing
only the woman allegedly caught in the act of adultery, namely De.22:22.
Likewise, apostate Christians are guilty of the same approach when they evidence in their preaching that " Salvation is an
individual choice." They build their case on quoting Jn.1:12 while deleting Jn.1:13 to which it is attached... precisely the same
approach of the scribes and Pharisees of Jn.8. So doing perfectly fits the scheme that fallen man fills the condition of first
" accepting Jesus " so as to successfully invoke Him to save. Jn.1:13 condemns such a scheme but this passage of 1:13 simply will
not do... apostate Christendom *Must* pervert the plain teaching of Holy Scripture in order to collect their haughty boast that
they've been so righteous to have made that " individual choice " spurning Ro.3:10 and following and 8:7,8 against themselves as
they do... the fallen men of Christendom thus save themselves being they themselves acquit each other of the sins binding all
fallen men, Eph.2:1-3; 1 Jn.5:19, but not as these sins in these passages bind them.
Today's apostate Christendom is well spoken of in Holy Scripture as to how it will go apostate, 2 Tim.4:3,4 and 2 Thes.2:1-12 and
Mt.24 for example. They've become master's at ignoring Ro.3:10 and following but they go ahead anyway lying to other fallen of men
that to become redeemed is a thing men must do first if ever they are to be redeemed, second. While the fallen Christians preach
" God loves everybody," fully contrary to Ps.5:4-6, they themselves can not see that their condition filling gospel's are designed
for the smart, only. Those suffering from debilitating mental disorder's have no gospel's of condition filling designed for them
by apostate Christians... unless they want to lie even more and say the mentally challenged are automatically redeemed because
they are not smart enough to make this " individual choice " as today's apostate Christians can and do...such means redemption is
conditional while it is unconditional... Situational Theology.
The bottom line is simply that God has already called His elect ones out of all the churches of Christendom Rev.18; Jer.51, being
their polluted gospel's of condition filling has made the free gift of Ro.5 a thing to be earned by filling conditions...
" Salvation is an individual choice " means Christ suffered and died in the place of the very same persons who will never desire
to make that choice... now, they must burn in Christendom's hell where no one ever really dies...even though Christ, they tell us,
died for them.. another of their lies countering the Word of God who decreed in ages past..." The wages of sin death." Ro.6:23a...
not eternal life, in hell.
as found in John 8.
Here we have the scribes and Pharisees bringing to Christ a woman they claim they've caught in an act of adultery. Where is the
other party... the man ? Was this incident a set up from the start ? Was the missing man one of their own ? And how is it that
since the penalty for adultery was death two people would be so careless as to get caught in such an act ? Lev.20:10... if this
incident happened at all ?
Being caught in an act of adultery is not something easily discovered... this is something done with prudent care so as not to be
caught... the whole incident was created by the scribes and Pharisees to catch Jesus in an act of deceit against God as Christ's
writing on the ground indicates.
Christ Jesus was not of the tribe of Levi but of Judah, Rev.5:5, and was not qualified by the Law given through Moses to have
authority to pass judgment, De.17:9; Jn.12:47; Lk.19:10 at this time. Obviously, the scribes and Pharisees sought an easy way to
convict Jesus so to have righteous cause to put Him to death, De.17:9-12, and to disprove that Jesus is indeed the Promised
Messiah when proved He wasn't by this trap they set... if the trap worked, the religious leaders could go merrily on their way
continuing their high lifestyles as in Mt.15 of which Christ publicly condemned shaming them. We see also that the Lord Jesus
would be required to be among those stoning this woman to death, De.17:7 context.
So then, what did Jesus write on the ground during this incident ? According to the immediate context and the context of the Bible
as a whole, He was writing the whole passage of Holy Scripture these scribes and Pharisees conveniently left out by their bringing
only the woman allegedly caught in the act of adultery, namely De.22:22.
Likewise, apostate Christians are guilty of the same approach when they evidence in their preaching that " Salvation is an
individual choice." They build their case on quoting Jn.1:12 while deleting Jn.1:13 to which it is attached... precisely the same
approach of the scribes and Pharisees of Jn.8. So doing perfectly fits the scheme that fallen man fills the condition of first
" accepting Jesus " so as to successfully invoke Him to save. Jn.1:13 condemns such a scheme but this passage of 1:13 simply will
not do... apostate Christendom *Must* pervert the plain teaching of Holy Scripture in order to collect their haughty boast that
they've been so righteous to have made that " individual choice " spurning Ro.3:10 and following and 8:7,8 against themselves as
they do... the fallen men of Christendom thus save themselves being they themselves acquit each other of the sins binding all
fallen men, Eph.2:1-3; 1 Jn.5:19, but not as these sins in these passages bind them.
Today's apostate Christendom is well spoken of in Holy Scripture as to how it will go apostate, 2 Tim.4:3,4 and 2 Thes.2:1-12 and
Mt.24 for example. They've become master's at ignoring Ro.3:10 and following but they go ahead anyway lying to other fallen of men
that to become redeemed is a thing men must do first if ever they are to be redeemed, second. While the fallen Christians preach
" God loves everybody," fully contrary to Ps.5:4-6, they themselves can not see that their condition filling gospel's are designed
for the smart, only. Those suffering from debilitating mental disorder's have no gospel's of condition filling designed for them
by apostate Christians... unless they want to lie even more and say the mentally challenged are automatically redeemed because
they are not smart enough to make this " individual choice " as today's apostate Christians can and do...such means redemption is
conditional while it is unconditional... Situational Theology.
The bottom line is simply that God has already called His elect ones out of all the churches of Christendom Rev.18; Jer.51, being
their polluted gospel's of condition filling has made the free gift of Ro.5 a thing to be earned by filling conditions...
" Salvation is an individual choice " means Christ suffered and died in the place of the very same persons who will never desire
to make that choice... now, they must burn in Christendom's hell where no one ever really dies...even though Christ, they tell us,
died for them.. another of their lies countering the Word of God who decreed in ages past..." The wages of sin death." Ro.6:23a...
not eternal life, in hell.